Payment Methods
Payment Methods
We ensure that all orders are processed once we’ve received your payment. Please note that we can only proceed with your order once payment has been confirmed.
Once your order is placed, your payment will be transferred to our system. This process should only take a few minutes. If the status of your order is "In Processing" even after several hours, please check your PayPal account. Ensure that your payment status shows "Completed." If it appears as "Open," kindly reach out to PayPal customer service for assistance.
PayPal Comfort Payment
With PayPal Comfort Payment, you can link your customer account on our website with your PayPal account. Once linked, you won’t need to log in to PayPal every time you make a purchase. You can disconnect the link at any time through your customer account or directly within PayPal settings.
Credit Card (VISA/Mastercard)
We accept payments via VISA and Mastercard. When paying by credit card, the payment will be processed immediately after placing your order. Please ensure you enter the necessary Secure Code / Verified by Visa during checkout. This password confirms your identity as the cardholder and protects you from unauthorized use of your credit card. If you don't enter this code, your order will not proceed and will show as “Pending” in your account.
Once we’ve received your payment, we’ll send a confirmation email. Your order will only be processed and shipped once payment has been fully received and confirmed.
Already Paid in Advance
If you have made a prepayment and haven’t received a payment confirmation after a few days, please send proof of payment to {}, and we’ll investigate. Please note that bank transfers can take 1 to 3 business days to process.
Installment Payments
For added convenience, we offer installment payments via Klarna. With Klarna, you can choose how much you want to pay each month, allowing you to spread the cost of your order over time.
Instant Bank Transfer
With the "Sofortüberweisung" payment method, your payment is instantly sent via bank transfer. Your order will be processed and shipped without delay, even before the payment is fully received.
Direct Debit (SEPA)
With SEPA direct debit, the purchase amount will be automatically withdrawn from your account once the order is shipped. If part of the order is canceled, only the remaining amount will be collected. Refunds will always be processed back to the original account from which the payment was made. This service is provided through our payment partner, Klarna.
For customers in the Netherlands, we offer the IDEAL payment method. This option is available for accounts with participating Dutch banks, including ABN AMRO, ING, and Rabobank. When you choose IDEAL, you will be redirected to your bank’s secure page, where payment data is pre-filled for confirmation. This method offers enhanced security and allows us to process your order faster.